IEC 61010

IEC 61010

IEC 61010

Company News

Gauges for industry plug and socketoutlet IEC60309 List

NO Figure No. Description
1 Figure 101 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100 A socket-outlets and connectors having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V-“GO” gauges for checking dimensions d1, d2 ,l1
2 Figure 102 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100 A socket-outlets and connectors having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V-“NOTGO” gauges for checking dimensions d1, d2
3 Figure 104 Gauges for checking socket-outlets or connectors of 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100A having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V
4 Figure 105 Guage for checking phase holes
5 Figure 107 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100 A plugs and appliance inlets having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V-“GO” gauges for checking dimensions d2, d4 ,l1
6 Figure 108 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100A plugs and appliance inlets having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V-“NOTGO” gauges for checking dimensions d2, d4
7 Figure 109 “NOTGO” gauges for checking 16/20A,32/30A,63/60A and 125/100 A plugs and appliance inlets having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V
8 Figure 110 16/20A and 32/30A socket-outlets and connectors having rated operating voltages exceeding 50V-Gauges for checking interchangeability
9 Figure 111 16/20A and 32/30A socket-outlets and connectors having rated operating voltages not exceeding 50V-Gauges for checking rigidity of enclosures of thermoplastic material under humid and warm conditions
10 Figure 112 16/20A and 32/30A plugs and appliance inlets having rated operating voltages not exceeding 50V-Gauges for checking interchangeability
11 Figure 113 16/20A and 32/30A plugs and appliance inlets having rated operating voltages not exceeding 50V-Gauges for checking rigidity of enclosures of
thermoplastic material under hunmid and warm conditions
12 Figure 114 socket-outlets and connectors with enclosures of resilient or thermoplastic material-Gauge for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs

    Standard:       IEC 61032 IEC 60061 IEC 60335 IEC 60529 IEC 60068 IEC 60950 IEC 61010 IEC62368 IEC 60601
Test Probe Go Not Go Gauges Spring Impact Hammer Test Pin Probe Test Probe B Test Probe 18 IP Test Probe
Lampholder Gauges Lampcap Gauge Test Probe 11 UL Test Finger Probe Test Vessel Rigid Test Finger Impact Testing
test probe